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Enough rest should be the teachers’ request in DepEd’s 2022–2023

Enough rest should be the teachers’ request in DepEd’s 2022–2023

Enough rest for teachers is still important for them to revive their strength from the exhausting work. Teachers have no break, even at night. They have to finish paperwork. Even on vacation, teachers are still doing things like making their IPCRF/RPMS, checking form 137 and cards in preparation for the Division Check.

Rest for teachers is the main reason why they are still alive and teaching with passion and commitment. The enough rest for teachers will be their favorite because teachers are not robots. They are human beings that need rest. Therefore, teachers have so many reasons why they need enough rest.

Teachers have a lot of things to do with this vacation. They don’t feel like vacation because paperwork is overloaded. They are done with so many reports to be submitted online and offline. Preparations in the classroom take many days for renovations of all things needed, especially those areas affected by strong typhoon Odette. Enough rest for teachers should be considered.

Rep. France Castro, a representative of the Alliance Concerned Teachers (ACT) party list, expressed concern Wednesday about the Department of Education’s (DepEd) calendar for the 2022–2023 school year, which includes a start date for enrollment of July 25 and an academic year beginning August 25. This may not provide enough time for teachers to rest.

Castro says that a lot of teachers are still making a lot of paperwork from the previous school year. Castro stressed that despite the vacation, DepEd’s Department Order No. 34 does not specifically refer to salary for teachers who may be asked to report to work to prepare for the upcoming exam.

Mentioning adequate compensation for the admission of teachers despite those times should make our teachers “on vacation.” “The said Department Order does not mention enough,” she said.

Additionally, she noted, “June 24 should be the end of the school year 2021–2022, but our teachers are still busy working on paperwork until now.” It only takes more than a week for the teachers to come in to prepare for the upcoming school year. They have not been able to rest. There is no guarantee that they will be paid enough for the excessive service they provide. “

Castro expressed concern that given the limited time between the end of one study and the start of the next, teachers who will work in addition may not receive adequate compensation.

“We don’t want to repeat what happened in SY 2020–2021, which led to” Thank you, “which was just the excessive admission of teachers at a time when they should be resting and strengthening for the next school year,” Castro said.        

The same legislator is seeking clarification from the previous DepEd administration in 2021, in the 18th Congress, regarding the proportionate vacation pay (PVP) that teachers receive in exchange for vacation benefits for two months or after working 10 months. Castro then argued that teachers working on their leave should also be paid for the benefits they lost from the time they were supposed to take.

“During June 25–August 22, 2022, our public school teachers should enjoy proportional vacation pay (PVP). Our teachers no longer have gang sick leave. “The teachers have not been able to fully rest due to the amount of paperwork and extra work imposed on them,” Castro added.

According to information released by DepEd on Tuesday, the next school year will begin on August 22 and end on July 7, 2023. However, even before the school year began, some teachers’ organizations stressed the need for teachers to rest for some time because the sophisticated COVID-19 pandemic setup had intense damage.

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, teachers are obliged to use an online or modular distance learning approach. However, the ACT has previously said that some teachers do not actually receive breaks because their jobs require them to work longer hours.

Teachers are so exhausted during class hours, but they still manage their time. What they need is to have a rest for teachers during vacation. Vacation is the only time for teachers to bond with their families. Rest for teachers is the only happiness for teachers after the end of the school year.

Let’s give a break to teachers because their job is not easy. They are molding students for them to learn. Without teachers, who could teach students? So, Enough rest for teachers is treasured by them. Time spent with their families cannot be exchanged for money. VP Sara Duterte is the only hope for teachers to be given the chance to adjust the school calendar and enjoy a long vacation or rest for teachers. – Doki | Helpline PH

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