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Overcome teachers who act more than a principal in 5 gripping ways

Overcome teachers who act more than a principal in 5 gripping ways

Do you have teachers who act more than a principal in your schools? Well, I guess they are everywhere in every public schools. They are those who act mighty and entitled not thinking about their current status. They tend to surpass the principal’s decision in many ways. They do this because they feel that their principal is not firm in his stand. So, how are you to handle these kinds?

Here are how to overcome teachers who act more than a principal in five (5) ways: 

1.  Handle them right there and then they feel entitled.

The moment these teachers who act more than the principal talk, stop them. You know in the first place where the conversation will lead you. Handle them right away and never sway on their opinion. Only the principal has the authority to command you inside the school.

2.  The school must always have special meeting to sort out roles and duties.

The meeting should focus on sharing each and everyone’s point of view. This should be concise but with substance. Once a month you need to tell all your observations on each other as professionals.

3.  Tell your principal in the presence of everyone to stick with his decision so you all can follow the lead.

If your principal is weak then you should support him/her. Teachers who act more than a principal don’t have any chance to act if everybody you unite with one stand.

4.  Cut immediately the opinion of these kinds before they can root so there will be no future problems. 

Don’t give any chance for teachers who act like principal to insert their wants. Cut all at once their opinion if you knew they aren’t for the good of the mob.

5.  Don’t let them rule the school.

The last but not the least: don’t let them rule your school or even you. Teachers who act mighty are only strong if your principal is weak. Don’t let them rule your school or else, you will get your downfall. – Alec | Helpline PH

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