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New Salary Increase for Teachers and Non-Teaching Personnel from Salary Grade 12 to SG 16

New Salary Increase for Teachers and Non-Teaching Personnel from Salary Grade 12 to SG 16

The salary increase is critical and eagerly anticipated by all public school teachers. Teachers are still hoping to have a new increase even though next year will have the last increase. The new increase for teachers and non-teaching personnel is what the teachers need because the last tranche increase is small and invisible to the teachers’ salary.

Therefore, the salary increase is important because many teachers depend only on their pay, especially if they are the main breadwinners in their families. Teachers will be unable to concentrate on their teaching if they are unable to support their families. Their monthly salaries are not enough to cover their families’ daily needs. 

There are many reasons why teachers need a new salary increase; all of them are suffering from the increase in commodity prices. Teachers need an urgent response to the salary increase since teachers will be more in debt if there is no increase. Teachers are calling on our President, Bongbong Marcos, and VP Secretary, Inday Sara Duterte, for an increase in teachers’ salaries.

Legarda said she would raise teachers’ and other staff’s pay from Salary Grade 12 to Salary Grade 16. Senator Loren Legarda came up with a bill to raise the pay of public school teachers and staff who don’t teach. 

In the filing of Senate Bill No. 4, Legarda emphasized the need to provide support and compensation amid the rising cost of living in the country. The purpose of Legarda’s bill is to raise the salary grade level of public school teachers from salary grade 11 to salary grade 15.

“We must recognize the significant role of our teachers and personnel in nation-building. Our leaders in education, who have stayed true to our goal of giving Filipino children the best. 

“With the increasing cost of living, it is high time we raised their salaries,” Legarda said in a press release. Under his bill, Legarda also wants to give teachers or instructors in public universities and colleges an increase from Salary Grade 12 to Salary Grade 16. The senator said that the salary for a regular entry-level position in the government should not be less than P16, 000.

Legarda, who was once chairperson of the Senate Committee on Finance, pushed for “vital amendments” like free higher education, free tuition for medical students in state universities and colleges (SUCs), and free WiFi in all SUCs. 

Legarda also filed the Magna Carta for Private School Teachers and Magna Carta of Public School Teachers to institutionalize support for education personnel.”With the increasing cost of living, it is high time we raised their salaries,” Legarda said in a press release. 

If this bill is approved, teachers will no longer have so many loans. Hopefully, this bill will be granted because teachers are impatiently waiting for their salary increase. Teachers’ prayers to prioritize the teachers because their salaries compared to police officers and nurses in public hospitals are very low. – Doki | Helpline PH

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