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From Teacher III to Master Teacher I Promotion still be applicable to the improved program, Career Progression?

From Teacher III to Master Teacher I Promotion still be applicable to the improved program, Career Progression?

From Teacher III to Master Teacher I, promotion helps teachers a lot, especially since the pay difference between Teacher III and Master Teacher I is big. Because of this, many Teachers III are trying to rank themselves for reclassification or to fill a vacant position in Master Teacher I. But Malacanang issued Executive Order (EO) No.174, which established an expanded career development system for public school teachers. Can Teacher III be promoted to Master Teacher I if this career progression is implemented?

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From Teacher III to Master Teacher I Promotion

Executive Secretary Salvador Medialdea signed EO 174 with the authority of President Duterte on June 23, 2022. In his EO, he talked about and updated the public school teachers’ career progression system to give them more chances for professional growth and career advancement. Many items are created in this career progression.

Teachers have had a lot of questions about Executive Order (EO) No. 174, if this expanded career progression is implemented. There is a previous procedure that can be changed due to having an additional teaching position. And since DEPED and even civil service have many rules on promotion and reclassification, all applications will continue. It will not rescind. When there is a new implementation, either by executive order or by legislation, there are rules or policies that can be changed or resolved.

Teachers’ concern, if the expanded career progression is implemented, can Teacher III to Master teacher I still apply? The current policy or system has not been changed yet because the career progression has not been implemented yet, so you can still apply for promotion by way of reclassification or natural vacancy from Teacher III to Master teacher I. This is the existing policy because, in the current status, teacher III is the teaching position next to Master teacher I. Only if the progression is fully put into place and there are more teaching jobs, such as teacher 4, teacher 5, teacher 6, and teacher 7.

With simple analysis, they cannot apply from Teacher III to Master teacher I if the career progression has already been implemented. This is just an analysis; just wait for the Implementing Rules and Regulations (IRR) of this expanded career progression. This statement is not an official statement of DepEd. It is easy to have an analysis based on what they heard and read from the DepEd authorities.

Under the career progression, the rules of Quantum Leap and the explanation of quantum leap limiting the applicant to only three salary grades will still apply. So, if you are teacher III and you use the quantum leap here in the career progression scheme, since there are teaching positions for teacher 5, teacher 6, and teacher 7, and then there is a master teacher I, what can be used when the career progression is implemented? The teacher can only apply up to teacher 5.

So, under the expanded career progressive scheme, teacher III can be promoted to teacher 5 if the quantum leap is applied. In the existing application of the division office or even the regional offices, in the quantum leap, teacher I can be reclassified to teacher III. If you are a principal I, you will be able to apply for principal III, and you’re principal II can apply for principal 4. 

But again, teachers, there is nothing final yet about the implementation of career progression. What are the existing rules and regulations that the division office makes regarding promotion or reclassification? This is just going on because the career progression hasn’t been put in place yet, so don’t worry, teachers can continue to get promotions. The career progression hasn’t been put in place yet.

Our division offices, even in the regions, will not stop processing their papers. The division office, the regional offices, the civil service, and the DBM will not stop processing the teacher applicants’ papers. For the secondary department heads, there is no final about the career progression implementation, so the teachers have nothing to worry about. It’s possible that the implementation will be delayed because the people in charge of DEPED have changed. The current secretary and undersecretaries are the ones who are pushing for career growth.

July has new leaders in DepEd and teachers don’t know if they will prioritize the implementation of career progression. In the early pronouncements of VP Sara Duterte, the incoming Deped secretary, she said that the priority is to increase the salaries of the teachers, the welfare of the teachers, value formation of the students, training of the teachers, and review the k-12 program of DepEd. Even President BBM said that these are also the priorities. 

If this is their priority and it does not mention career progression, the formulation of the implementing rules of career progression will not be handled or will take a long time. So teachers whose aim is to be promoted from Teacher III to Master Teacher I positions have the opportunity to submit their documents for reclassification or apply for a vacant position since career progression has not yet been implemented.

In any case, teachers who wish to advance their careers have a lot to gain from career advancement. However, teachers who wish to advance from Teacher III to Master Teacher I must first begin filling out the necessary documents at their particular schools or the Division Office. Promotion from Teacher III to Master Teacher I is more difficult than people may believe since teachers must provide numerous documents for them to be promoted. It also requires effort and time.

Executive Order (EO) No. 174

Doki | Helpline PH

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