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Biden Admin Pushing ‘Vaccine Passports’ – Here’s What You Need To Know

As global vaccine rollout for COVID-19 picks up, the long spoken about ‘vaccine passport’ is making headway in countries around the world. First starting in Israel, the US is now added to the list as a country looking to implement the surveillance measure. I recall a time when global leaders told people the vaccine would never be mandatory. Many people, including myself, felt that was a bit misleading as it felt like privileges to do anything in life would be limited if you don’t get a vaccine – seems we’re getting to that point.

What Happened:

The Biden administration is currently working to organize plans for how it will manage COVID-19 vaccine passports as numerous projects around the country are already working to bring this idea to life. The ‘vaccine passports’ are credentials that could be displayed on smartphone apps or be printed. The reason for them is to provide proof of vaccination to travel or attend major events like concerts or sports games.

There are at least 17 initiatives currently underway to develop their own ‘passports.’ This includes a tech company coalition called the Vaccination Credential Initiative (VCI), the World Health Organization, and the International Air Transport Association.

Earlier this week, New York state began using a digital pass developed by IBM that shows vaccination status or what your COVID-19 test results might be. Madison Square Garden in New York has shown interest in implementing the digital pass as part of their admission process.

As expected, developers are running into many technical and ethical issues related to these projects. Credential programs will require extensive privacy protections and be resistant to hacks or forgery. Due to the degree to which these project infringe on rights and freedoms, many people will likely look to create a black market for forged vaccine receipts.

Many have speculated that pharmaceutical companies have been strategizing for years to increase adult vaccination rates and develop new vaccination products specifically for adults. Ongoing COVID-19 ‘booster’ vaccinations have been brought up as a possibility to add to their already highly profitable product lines.

The Biden administration stated that they will be providing more information about vaccine passports soon. The hope, according to plans, is that travel with vaccine proof could begin by summer 2021.

Why It Matters:

As outlined in an article I wrote last week, vaccination against COVID-19 does not appear to be the most effective treatment and as government and health officials continue to deny cheap and effective treatments, people have called into question why the focus is on vaccination instead of helping ill people through treatment with drugs like Ivermectin.

With treatments being ignored and ‘vaccine passport’ infrastructures on the rise, one might hypothesize that allegiance to pharmaceutical interests is greater than public health. Further, as whistleblower Edward Snowden points out, it’s hard to ignore the ever increasing draconian surveillance state that has been thrust upon citizens during crisis’, real or manufactured.

While not ‘mandated,’ governments appear to be pulling off a bait and switch, easing public tensions with verbiage that makes them feel they have a choice, when in reality their freedom to do almost anything in life will be hindered unless they roll up their sleeve and take a new, experimental vaccine that still hasn’t been fully approved by the FDA. The FDA has only provided approval via the Emergency Use Authorization.

The Takeaway:

The choice to live life to its fullest seems to be disappearing for those that wish to decline COVID-19 vaccination. For many, including myself, this is a concerning reality that will certainly push groups to come together and strategize how to move forward with action that will push back on these measures.

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