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Solon pushes to prohibit the use of cellphones during classes

Solon pushes to prohibit the use of cellphones during classes

Albay Representative Joey Salceda filed a measure that prohibits the use of cellphones during class hours.

House Bill 662 or Prohibiting the Use of Cellular Phones and Similar Digital Devices during Classes aims to lessen the negative impact of using cellphones during classes to students.

“Cellphones and digital devices are so ubiquitous to the public that their use has become so closely intertwined with our daily routine and activities,” Saleda said.

HB 662 aims to prohibit the use of cellphones inside the classrooms, in private or public schools from kindergarten, elementary, secondary, senior high school to colleges.

The measure states that student are only allowed to use cellphones in case of emergency or if it is required in the class.

“Much like other technological device, the use of mobile phones is Janus-faced. With its many advantages, these smart devices can also cause distraction and disruptions to work and school activities especially among the youth,” Salceda explained, chairman ng House Committee on Ways and Means.

Meanwhile, the Department of Education has an existing order like the proposed measure, DO 83, s. 2003 or Prohibiting Students of Elementary and Secondary Schools from Using Cellular Phones and Pagers During Class Hours.

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