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Teachers Letter Request to VP Sara Duterte: We deserve a break

Letter Request to VP Sara Duterte is the hope for teachers: they deserve a break

The TDC letter request is very beneficial to all teachers since, if it is finally granted, the teachers would be able to take their holiday. The teachers can sense a break from all the paperwork at school, even on a little holiday. The TDC letter request is a smart step considering that teachers still report to work despite the fact that it is already break.

Teachers are required to report to school in order for the district and division to check form 137, report cards, SF1 and SF5. The teachers have never-ending duties to work just to comply with all the reports. Teachers must also report to school to ensure that they are in compliance with the IPCRF, TIP for new teachers, ESIP, and the final class program for the school year 2022–2023. The TDC letter request is the chance to extend the teachers’ vacation by even more days.

The TDC letter request is very significant because for the month of August there will be Brigada Eskwela and Oplan Balik Eskwela programs. The teachers are also busy preparing for the improvement of the school through Brigada. If the opening of classes continues on the scheduled date, the teachers will have lost their strength because other teachers will be teaching during the enrichment classes for their students who got 75–79 final grades.

DepEd, TDC also wrote the same request but on more generic issues in the education sector. To know more about the TDC letter request about the adjustment of the school calendar and activities for school year 2022–2023, here is the full text of the Teachers Dignity Coalition’s (TDC) letter dated July 13 but sent to the secretary’s office on July 14.

13 July 2022                                                                                           


Secretary Department of Education (DepEd)

DepEd Complex, Meralco Avenue, Pasig City

Dear Madam:

Greetings of Peace!

The Teachers’ Dignity Coalition (TDC) is a national organization of teachers formed in 2006 at the Philippine Normal University (PNU).

Its main objective is to uphold the dignity of the teaching profession through policy advocacy, education and information campaigns; the dignity of the teaching profession through policy advocacy, education and information campaigns; and social dialogues, among others.

The organization, since its inception, has been at the forefront of the country’s education advocacy movement, employing both innovative as well as traditional diplomatic approaches.

With the support of various groups and institutions, specifically the DepEd and its field offices, we have achieved historic victories in such a short groups and institutions, specifically the DepEd and its field offices, we have achieved historic victories in such a short span of time and continue with renewed vigor and optimism from day to day. 

With the issuance of DepEd Order No. 34, s. 2022, setting August 22 as the first day of school year 2022-2023, the teachers are appealing for your reconsideration on the following grounds:

  1. Classes for SY 2021-2022 may have officially ended on June 24, as of this writing, many teachers are still reporting to their schools for various tasks;
  2. Activities such as IPCRF/ RPMS, EOSY classes (remedial and enrichment), Brigada Eskwela, Oplan Balik-Eskwela, In-Service Training, and others are projected to be accomplished up to August or beyond;
  3. Being excluded from the sick and vacation leaves granted to other employees, teachers, under the existing Civil Service Commission (CSC) rules are entitled to vacation during school break;
  4. Teachers, after a taxing school year of multiple teaching and learning modes under the pandemic, need sufficient time for proper rest in order to prepare them physically, emotionally, and mentally for the coming school year;
  5. The physical requirements of our schools, including the need for classrooms and additional teachers, still have to be addressed;
  6. Factors such as public transportation and the vaccination status of teachers and children are yet to be properly addressed.

The TDC is one with the DepEd’s desire to gradually open our schools for in-person classes until it reaches its full implementation by November in accordance with the order of President Ferdinand Marcos, Jr. We, however, would like to reiterate that the aforementioned important factors should also be carefully considered.

Indeed, there were instances in the past where the school calendar was modified and the school’s opening was moved to a later date as the needs demanded. We believe that the current situation merits the same kind of prudence.

In this light, we respectfully request a meeting with you to tackle this as well as other important matters at your most convenient place and time. May we also take this opportunity to pay a courtesy visit to your office and personally express our support to your leadership.

We anticipate your most favorable response. Daghan kaayong salamat!

For teachers’ dignity, (SGD)


National Chairperson

This TDC letter request is heartily expressed to give teachers a break for them to spend a little while. Teachers also benefit from their vacation time because it gives them a chance to work out family problems, see relatives and grandparents who live outside of the province, and talk to their doctors about health problems.

Teachers have strong support for this letter request to VP Sara and PBBM to adjust the school calendar due to the postponement of classes. They would be very grateful if this TDC letter request were granted. It’s about time for the teachers to condition their minds without anything to worry about except the financial problem.

Teachers pray to honor and grant the letter request of the TDC because the TDC is the voice of teachers. VP Sara is the one who can decide whether we will pursue the classes on August 22 or in the middle of September. Hopefully, this letter request serves as the teachers’ charm for the teachers to enjoy their little time with their families. – Doki | Helpline PH

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